NuPhysicia Origins
NuPhysicia evolved from the telemedicine programs of The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas. UTMB has been operating successful telemedicine medical care since 1997. Rather than considering this new method as a research project, UTMB embraced telemedicine as an important model for medical care, and operates the largest program of its type in the world. UTMB operates successful telemedicine in correctional health care, indigent populations, scientific exploration, and employee health.
Through its division of Correctional Managed Care. UTMB developed and operates a large-scale program in prison health care that is recognized as the nation’s largest corrections telemedicine system which provides specialty medicine, primary care medicine, and behavioral health care. It provides live interactive consultations, uses electronic medical records, performs remote examinations such as stethoscopy and otoscopy, and generates documentation using voice recognition.
Since 2005, UTMB’s Electronic Health Network continued development of this technology into rural heath care, indigent medical care, and distributed mental health services.
In 2007, NuPhysicia LLC was created as an independent company to bring the proven systems of UTMB telemedicine to new global markets as specific solutions. As exclusive provider of these refined systems, NuPhysicia LLC carries the seasoned, tested experience of providing medical care over distances for over a decade.
Use the video links below to learn more about the telemedicine programs that represent the genesis and the competencies of NuPhysicia.
UTMB Telemedicine Link to Africa for Rift Valley Fever
This 2005 video shows a program reaching into Kenya, Africa to examine patients with Rift Valley Fever. Copyright 2005 by Regents of the University of Texas. All Rights Reserved.
UTMB Correctional Managed Care Telemedicine System
This video shows a UTMB cardiologist performing a visit using the system. Copyright 2003 by Regents of the University of Texas. All Rights Reserved.
UTMB Electronic Health Network Overview 2005
This 2005 video provides an overview of its programs and services. All Contents Copyright 2005 by the Regents of the University of Texas. All Rights Reserved.